So, you're going to have to wait until tomorrow for the recipe and step-by-step photos.
Until then, I leave with you a teaser photo (courtesy of Dishing Up Delight):

Looking back at the photos from that day makes me smiles. We were so young, so in love. The great thing about it is, we're still young, and even more in love.
So many people had told me that marriage would change our relationship, and not necessarily in a good way.
I loved the Lumberjack when he proposed to me, but it was a fraction compared to my love for him now.
Everything about that moment was perfect, but it was just one of many more perfect moments together.
Marriage was the best thing that has ever happened to me--to us--but I'll blog about that later.
Photo courtesy of
And, as long as one of us was holding him, he seemed to relax and enjoy the cool water on such a hot day.
He did occasionally look to my mom, who was taking pictures, for help. But, each time he'd swim to the steps and get out of the pool, he walk around and try to get back in. The thing is, he's a baby, so he wasn't brave enough so jump in. Plus, when he does jump/fall in, he sinks. Silly dog.
But he definitely had a fun time swimming. In the photo above, he's swimming to me. Such a good boy!
And his daddy was so proud not to have a wussy dog!