On Saturday, the Lumberjack and I started the "11 Day Diet." Actually, it seems to be more of a cleanse/metabolism re-setter, and we're sticking to it so far. Today is day four, and we haven't cheated yet.
Mostly, the diet consists of lean proteins, almost no carbs, and under-10-calorie drinks. We've been eating a lot of deli meats and eggs. And, while I haven't necessarily been hungry, I do find myself wanting certain foods (even those I know I don't love), just because I suddenly can't have them!
The toughest day so far was day 2, which was all fruits except for one sandwich. Surviving on all three meals of fruit during the day is tough! We planned it so that the fruit day would fall on a Sunday, so that we wouldn't be drained while at our jobs. It was tough, but we did it. The good news is we're in the clear until Saturday, which is vegetable day (yuck!).
I had read about this diet online and when Whitney over at
The Glamorous Life of a Housewife blogged about her success, I had to try it.
So far, it seems to be working. The Lumberjack and I have both lost between 1 and 1 1/2 pounds
per day, so far. The goal is to lose 10 pounds in a week, 15 if we're lucky.
For anyone that's interested, here are the meals and rules:
Day 1
Meal 1: scrambled eggs, low-fat milk
Meal 2: cashews, cottage cheese, banana milk shake
Meal 3: turkey slices, ham slices, fresh grapefruit
Meal 4: walnuts, pastrami slices, garden salad
Day 2
Meals 1,2,3: Fresh fruit only (oranges, pears, apples, grapes, peaches, plums, strawberries, kiwis, grapefruit)
Meal 4: deli meat sandwich (only one)
Day 3
Meal 1: cottage cheese, scrambled eggs
Meal 2: sausage links, regular cheese slices
Meal 3: shrimp, hard boiled eggs
Meal 4: chicken, cashews, bowl of oatmeal
Day 4
Meal 1: pastrami, sausage links
Meal 2: low fat milk, turkey slices
Meal 3: shrimp, regular cheese slices
Meal 4: ham slices, walnuts, frozen yogurt
Day 5
Meal 1: orange pineapple smoothie, apple
Meal 2: cashews, cottage cheese
Meal 3: hard boiled eggs, chicken
Meal 4: scrambled eggs, low-fat milk
Day 6
Meal 1: bowl of green beans, fresh pears
Meal 2: walnuts, pastrami slices
Meal 3: turkey slices, ham slices, bowl of pinto beans
Meal 4: bowl of green vegetables, fruit salad dessert
Day 7
Meal 1: sausage links, regular cheese slices
Meal 2: shrimp, hard boiled eggs
Meal 3: chicken, cashews, bowl of mixed vegetables
Meal 4: cottage cheese, scrambled eggs
Day 8
Today is a day of vegetables and salad only. This means that all 4 meals must consist of only vegetables or salad and nothing else. You’ll be eating 4 meals, but you must choose foods from the list below only:
Lettuce, onions, celery, carrots, pinto beans, sprouts, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, squash, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans
You may top each meal with only ONE of the following 2 items (not both): 1 ounce of grated cheese or 3 teaspoons of low-calorie salad dressing.
Day 9
Meal 1: oranges, banana milk shake
Meal 2: grapefruit, garden salad
Meal 3: low-fat milk, turkey slices
Meal 4: ham slices, walnuts
Day 10
Meal 1: fresh apples, orange pineapple smoothie
Meal 2: cheese slices, shrimp
Meal 3: bowl of oatmeal, frozen yogurt
Meal 4: pastrami, sausage links
Day 11
Meal 1: scrambled eggs, low-fat milk
Meal 2: cashews, cottage cheese
Meal 3: green beans, pears
Meal 4: hard boiled eggs, chicken, bowl of pinto beans
Diet Rules:
1. You may eat your four daily meals in any order.
2. You must eat all four meals on the day they are scheduled. This means you can’t move a meal from day 5 to day 10.
3. Follow the 11 day menu for 11 days, then you may take 3 cheat days where you can eat anything you want for 3 days. After the three day period, you can either follow this menu again or generate a new menu at www.fatloss4idiots.com. The site has a cost , but you can pick and choose your menu based on foods that you like.
4. You must wait at least 2 ½ hours between each meal.
5. You may drink the following beverages: any diet soda, iced tea with lemon, coffee (must have less than 10 calories per glass), water, any low-calorie drink (with less than 10 calories per glass). These drinks may be consumed as often as you like each day, with no limit.
6. You must drink at least 8 – 8 ounce glasses of water per day, and they must be spaced throughout the day.
7. These condiments may be used on any meal: lemon juice, ketchup, barbecue sauce, salsa, salt, pepper, mustard, seasoning salts.
8. There is no limit on portions. You should eat until you feel satisfied but never stuff yourself full.
9. For each meal, you may eat any combination of the foods. You may eat all or just 1 of the foods listed.
Food Explanations:
1. Banana Milkshake - Add the following ingredients in a blender: 1 large frozen banana (cut into chunks), 4-8 oz nonfat milk, 2-3 teaspoons vanilla extract, splenda for sweetener
2. Garden Salad – This means a salad made with vegetables only (potatoes and corn not allowed) – you may have 3 teaspoons of low cal salad dressing (we used that spray dressing).
3. Frozen Yogurt – normal frozen yogurt, the kind that looks like ice cream (no toppings)
4. Oatmeal – instant/flavored oatmeal (no extra sugar)
5. Orange Pineapple Smoothie – Add the following ingredients in a blender: 4-6 oz orange juice, 1 cup of nonfat milk, ½ banana, 4 ice cubes, pineapple chunks, 2 tablespoons vanilla extract, splenda
6. Fruit Salad Dessert – mix the following ingredients: fat free cool whip, your choice of fruit
7. Bowl of Mixed vegetables – no potatoes or corn
8. Deli Meat Sandwich – Make the sandwich from the following ingredients: 2 normal slices of bread, any deli style meat, your choice of allowable condiment, lettuce, tomatoes, onions (optional)