Friday, March 6, 2009

Puppy-safe Treats

I tried to find recommendations of treats to leave with Dutch while I'm away at work, and I really couldn't find anything. I thought I'd start my own list of things that I've found to be safe to leave with a puppy while I'm at work. On a normal day, I leave Dutch with:

1. One or two Nylabones. He doesn't love these, but I keep hoping on day he'll realize how neat they are.
2. A bully stick. Unlike rawhide, puppies can't really break of big chunks of a bully stick and choke. It's kind of smelly, but apparently tastes good as Dutch can't get enough.
3. A kong with a cashew in the small end (aromatic to make the dog want it more), a few bits of carrots, some peanut butter, and some puppy chow, all topped off with peanut butter. Frozen is best!
4. A hollowed out bone (like the one seen here: with peanut butter smeared on the inside, plus carrots and dog food.
5. A bone or two with peanut butter flavored stuffing (like seen here: Once the stuffing is gone, I normally use Natural Balance Lamb Roll (found here: to restuff it. Also, I freeze this as it takes him longer to eat and is good on puppy teeth.
6. A rope for chewing, like this one: I'm not sure if he likes it that much, but it's one more thing to chew and play with.

All of these things I have personally found OK to leave with Dutch. However, make sure you supervise your dog and decide for yourself.

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